Chronic kidney disease and the aging population

Autores: Tonelli Marcello, Riella Miguel C


The proportion of older people in the general population is steadily increasing worldwide, with the most rapid growth in lowand middle-income countries. This demographic change is to be celebrated, because it is the consequence of socioeconomic development and better life expectancy. However, population aging also has important implications for society – in diverse areas including health systems, labor markets, public policy, social programs, and family dynamics. A successful response to the aging population will require capitalizing on the opportunities that this transition offers, as well as effectively addressing its challenges.

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2014-04-07   |   774 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 66 Núm.1. Enero-Febrero 2014 Pags. 7-11 Rev Invest Clin 2014; 66(1)