Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver (LAASL)
Clinical Practice Guidelines:

On behalf of LAASL 

Autores: Méndez Sánchez Nahum, Ridruejo Ezequiel, Alves de Mattos Angelo, Chavez Tapia Norberto Carlos, Zapata Rodrigo, Paraná Raymundo, Mastai Ricardo, et al


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cancer in the world and the third most common cause of cancer death, and accounts for 5.6% of all cancers. Nearly 82% of the approximately 550,000 liver cancer deaths each year occur in Asia. In some regions, cancer-related death from HCC is second only to lung cancer. The incidence and mortality of HCC are increasing in America countries as a result of an ageing cohort infected with chronic hepatitis C, and are expected to continue to rise as a consequence of the obesity epidemic. Clinical care and survival for patients with HCC has advanced considerably during the last two decades, thanks to improvements in patient stratification, an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease, and because of developments in diagnostic procedures and the introduction of novel therapies and strategies in prevention. Nevertheless, HCC remains the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. These LAASL recommendations on treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma are intended to assist physicians and other healthcare providers, as well as patients and other interested individuals, in the clinical decision-making process by describing the optimal management of patients with liver cancer.

Palabras clave: Liver cancer treatment epidemiology consensus.

2014-09-11   |   507 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 13 Núm.1. Mayo 2014 Pags. S4-S40 Ann Hepatol 2014; 13(Supl.1-Inglés)