Autores: Leyva Jiménez Rafael, Venegas Escobedo Omar Efraín, Medel Delgado Alfredo Guadalupe
Material and methods: Through transverse analysis the association between self-care capacity and the control of arterial pressure was evaluated. Controlled and uncontrolled hypertensive patients were studied, each group containing 79 patients. The measurement scale for basic conditioning factors and self-care capacity in the patient with hypertension, was the instrument used. Results: Self-care capacity was good in 73.4% of the controlled hypertensive patients and in 3.8% of the uncontrolled patients (p < 0.05). Findings showed a positive family system in 91.2% of the controlled hypertensive patients and in 67.9% of the uncontrolled patients (p < 0.05). The socio-cultural factors were good in 64.6% of the controlled vs. 16.7% of the uncontrolled patients (p < 0.05). The environmental factors were good in 50.6% of the controlled and in 2.6% of the uncontrolled patients (p < 0.05). Conclusion: There is an association between the capacity for self-care and the control of arterial hypertension.
Palabras clave: Self-care arterial hypertension basic conditioning factors.
2014-11-07 | 309 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 63 Núm.4. Julio-Agosto 2011 Pags. 376-381 Rev Invest Clin 2011; 63(4-ENGLISH)