Clinical skills.

Mother of all instruments 

Autor: Trevethan Cravioto Sergio


What has happened in cardiology in the past 100 years could unhinge any of us witnesses; in fact, many are already behind the times either due to disinterest, fear, unfitness or simply because of the overwhelming task inherent to keeping up to date. We have seen at least 40 generations of medical residents parade in our institute and have alarmingly noticed the progressive generational loss, or at least an indolent disinterest, in the wise clinical analysis provided by a good clinical history; this omission entails squandering of costly laboratory and imaging studies as well as diagnostic and therapeutic errors. Suffice it to ask ourselves: what machine can show us angina or bronchospasm?

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2014-11-10   |   219 visitas   |   5 valoraciones

Vol. 63 Núm.3. Mayo-Junio 2011 Pags. 223-226 Rev Invest Clin 2011; 63(3-ENGLISH)