Between the rose and the shoulders of giants

Autor: Garza Mercado Román


The following are thoughts on 2 of the most well-known phrases in the English language, recognized as universal academic icons. That of Juliet Capuleto’s in Act II, scene II, “The Balcony”, in the immortal work of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet about “A rose by any other name”, and “On the shoulders of giants” , traditionally attributed to Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the Mechanical Universal Laws, including that of Universal Law of Gravitation, in the 17th Century, but in reality first said by the humanistic philosopher and theologist Bernard of Chartres in the 12th Century.

Palabras clave: Juliet Capulet; Newton; rose; Shakespeare; shoulders of giants; Mexico.

2014-12-03   |   448 visitas   |   2 valoraciones

Vol. 16 Núm.63. Abril-Junio 2014 Pags. 90-95 Med Univer 2014; 16(63)