
It’s been a long and exciting journey since it was decided that a medical journal should be a fundamental part of the strategy to fulfill our Institution’s Subdivision of Continuing Medical Education’s main goal, which is to strengthen the bond between graduated biomedical professionals and our medical school, keeping them on the leading edge of medical knowledge. And so, the Medicina Universitaria journal was born. As the years went by, an evident evolution occurred in this journal. Since the first issue was published in January 1970, a constant transformation has taken place. We now have a larger group of people involved in its process, a new and renovated image, improved economic support, and a well-established trimestral periodical production. Furthermore, a greater number of papers are considered for publication, and last but not least, we are now published by Elsevier, a very well-known and prestigious editorial company.

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2014-12-08   |   414 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 16 Núm.62. Enero-Marzo 2014 Pags. 1 Med Univer 2014; 16(62)