Trichosporon spp.:

An emerging fungal pathogen 

Autores: Montoya Alejandra M, González González Gloria M


Trichosporon spp. has gained importance as the cases of immunosuppressed patients increase. The genus Trichosporon includes 6 species of clinical relevance that may cause superficial infections, such as white piedra and onychomycosis, or deep and invasive infections with high mortality rates. These microorganisms have a broad geographical distribution and some species are resistant to antifungal drugs in vitro. The present paper is a review on the virulence factors, associated infections, and in vitro susceptibility of the species with the highest incidence as pathogenic agents in humans.

Palabras clave: Trichosporon; White piedra; onychomycosis; trichosporonosis; mycoses; opportunistic infection; Mexico.

2014-12-09   |   1,031 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 16 Núm.62. Enero-Marzo 2014 Pags. 37-43 Med Univer 2014; 16(62)