One year experience using mycobacterial blood cultures to diagnose tuberculosis in patients with prolonged fever in Vietnam

Autores: Nguyen Diep NT, Nguyen Trung V, Dao Trinh T, Nguyen Lam T, Horby Peter, Nguyen Kinh V, Wertheim Heiman FL


Introduction: To evaluate the use of mycobacterial blood cultures (MBC) in diagnosing tuberculosis (TB) in patients with prolonged fever admitted to a Vietnamese referral hospital. Results: MBCs from 94 patients (66% male; median age 33 years; 75% HIV positive) were evaluated: 14 were mycobacterium positive (all HIV positive), and MBC was the only positive specimen in 9 cases (41%). Three positive cases were identified as Mycobacterium avium and the remaining M. tuberculosis (one case could not be identified). Conclusion: MBC can be a valuable additional method to diagnose TB, particularly in immunosuppressed HIV patients when sputum cannot be collected.

Palabras clave: Tuberculosis; blood culture; HIV.

2014-12-15   |   387 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 8 Núm.12. Diciembre 2014 Pags. 1620-1624 J Infect Developing Countries 2014; 8(12)