
Autor: Girón Pérez Manuel Iván


It is through this current number (volume 3, number 1) that the Revista Bio Ciencias begins its 5th year of uninterrupted publication. And it is in this number that a series of strategies are implemented in the search of consolidation and incorporation of this publication to renowned indexes at an international level. Within the new implementations we can outline: the publication of all articles in both English and Spanish, the internationalization of the editorial committee and the implementation of the journal manager Open Journal System. The changes before mentioned come to strengthen this institutional project and make Revista Bio Ciencias the first edited journal in the Autonomus University of Nayarit that implements strict standards demanded nowadays by the international scientific community.

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2015-05-20   |   222 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 3 Núm.1. Julio 2014 Pags. 2-3 BioCiencias 2014; 3(1)