Resumen del Cáncer en Venezuela.


Autor: Capote Negrin Luis G


INTRODUCCIÓN El cáncer es hoy en Venezuela como en la mayor parte del mundo una de las causas más frecuentes de enfermedad o de muerte. La carga de la enfermedad es de tal magnitud, que puede expresarse señalando, que una de cada cuatro personas si alcanza la edad de 74 años, será diagnosticada por alguna de sus variedades y una de cada siete tiene el riesgo de fallecer por cáncer. Las neoplasias malignas son sin embargo, dentro de las enfermedades crónicas, las que tiene hoy día un mejor pronóstico, porque cerca de la mitad de las personas que la padecen logran curarse. Cancer is now in Venezuela as in most of the world one of the most frequent causes of disease or death. The burden of the disease is of such magnitude, which can express itself to noting that one of every four people if it reaches the age of 74, will be diagnosed by any of their varieties and one in seven has the risk of dying from cancer. Malignant neoplasms are however, in chronic diseases, which today has day a better prognosis, because about half of people who suffer from it manage to heal. With the aging process, characterizing the evolution of the structure of the population pyramid in the world, which does not escape Venezuela; cancer will continue climbing in magnitude, until in the course of the next two decades in the first position as a cause of death. A set of pathologies that are characteristics of evolution is grouped under the generic name of cancer, and development of a highly complex, both in the medical order implications in diagnostic and treatment technology; as in the psychosocial, emotional load and in particular by the economic impact that represent. This will oblige the State or individuals to make significant investments in its treatment and control, which will represent increasingly higher percentages of the budget devoted to health, which makes it essential to have an information system, complete effective and timely; to ensure adequate planning, monitoring and evaluation of a program of cancer control.

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2015-11-02   |   458 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 27 Núm.4. Octubre-Diciembre 2015 Pags. 256-268 Rev Venez Oncol 2015; 27(4)