Glycated hemoglobin, fasting, two-hour post-challenge and postprandial glycemia in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus:

are we giving them the right interpretation and use? 

Autor: Gómez Pérez Francisco J.


This brief review is aimed to point out the importance of considering glycated hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, post-glucose-load glycemia, and postprandial glycemia into an evolutive and dynamic criteria that may grant a better concept and understanding of the diagnostic and therapeutic status of individual patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus.

Palabras clave: Diagnosis therapeutic decisions HbA1c timing of tests.

2016-04-20   |   146 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 67 Núm.2. Marzo-Abril 2015 Pags. 76-79 Rev Invest Clin 2015; 67(2 ENGLISH)