Autores: Lizarazo Gallardo Henry Rodrigo , Guerrero Romero Ingrid Sofía , Niño González Jorge Ernesto, Villaveces Franco Mariana
Objective: to evaluate the association between adolescence and cesarean section in women aged 10-19 years compared with those found in ages between 19 and 25 years, patients in a hospital, and determine its association with sociodemographic variables and neonatal in terms of prematurity, and Apgar low birth weight. Materials and Methods: a case-control study was performed using a simple random sampling, considering the calculation of a statistical sample. a total of 1,304 cases and 2,608 controls were included. First time mom patients treated at an institution x over a period of three years, to determine associations of risk through analysis of hypothesis testing is included. Results: the risk of caesarean section in teenagers is (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.10 to 1.51). In addition, it was determined that there is an increased risk of low birth weight (OR 9.4, 95% CI 7.59 to 11.76), with no difference in adolescents in the risk of Apgar down score at minute and 5 minutes later. Conclusion: there is an increased risk of low birth weight and require termination of pregnancy via cesarean in adolescents compared to young adults, especially if they are under 14. It is necessary to promote campaigns to prevent teenage pregnancy, as the main measure of control over these population.
Palabras clave: abdominal delivery childbirth complications of pregnancy teenage pregnancy teenagers
2016-04-20 | 300 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 12 Núm.2. Julio-Diciembre 2015 Pags. 11-25 Rev Cien y Cuid 2015; 12(2)