Acute liver failure associated with Garcinia cambogia use

Autores: Corey Rebecca, Tuesday Werner K, Singer Andrew, Moss Adyr, Smith Maxwell, Noelting Jessica, Rakela Jorge


Millions of Americans regularly use herbal supplements, but many are unaware of the potential hidden dangers. Numerous supplements have been associated with hepatotoxicity and, indeed dietary/herbal supplements represent an increasingly common source of acute liver injury. We report a case of acute liver failure requiring liver transplantation associated with the use of Garcinia cambogia, a supplement widely promoted for weight loss. When patients present with acute hepatitis or liver failure from an unknown etiology, a careful history of supplement use should be performed.

Palabras clave: Hepatotoxicity transplantation herbal supplements.

2016-06-23   |   202 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 15 Núm.1. Enero-Febrero 2016 Pags. 123-126 Ann Hepatol 2016; 15(1)