Prediabetes as opportunity and duty of treatment in people with obesity

Autores: Rodríguez Flores Marcela, Mehta Roopa, Reynoso Mendoza Ricardo, Aguilar Salinas Carlos Alberto


Prediabetes, defined as the presence of impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose, or both, is considered an intermediate stage between normal glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. During the last decades, the incidence of prediabetes and diabetes has been growing at an alarming rate. Its risk is significantly increased in people with overweight and obesity, mainly abdominal obesity,since these conditions promote endocrine and immune disorders that interfere with insulin action in peripheral tissues and with pancreatic islet cell action. In this context, people with overweight and risk factors for developing diabetes, as well as all individuals older than 45 years, should undergo screening for prediabetes. The objective of the present manuscript is to review the current epidemiologic and pathophysiologic data that has allowed the establishment of standards for the identification and treatment of prediabetes. The realization that structured interventions aimed at modification of lifestyle and some drugs can delay the incidence of diabetes in this population, or even revert the clinical and biochemical markers of prediabetes, has generated significant importance and research for targeting prediabetes as an opportunity to reduce the impact of diabetes in populations. In conclusion, prediabetes is a condition that increases the risk to develop type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Overweight and obesity promote its pathophysiology, and therefore, systematic detection practices could be beneficial in certain populations, given that interventions to improve the quality of nutrition and physical activity and the use of drugs such as metformin have proven to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cáncer in individuals with this condition.

Palabras clave: Metformin obesity prediabetes type 2 diabetes T2DM.

2017-05-24   |   325 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 3 Núm.4. Octubre-Diciembre 2016 Pags. 189-199 Rev Mex Endocrinol Metabol Nut 2016; 3(4)