Diabetes, frailty, and sarcopenia

Getting key messages to primary care physicians 

Autores: Abdelhafiz Ahmed H, Mair Michelle L


Diabetes increases the risk of physical and cognitive dysfunction, eventually leading to the development of disability. This progression from diabetes to disability is only partially explained by diabetes-related complications and the associated comorbidities. The emergence of sarcopenia and frailty, as a new diabetes-related complication, is likely to be the mediator in the pathway from diabetes to disability. Sarcopenia and frailty share common pathogenetic mechanisms accelerated by the presence of diabetes. Both sarcopenia and frailty are dynamic in nature and can be reversed with timely intervention before progression to disability. Regular screening for sarcopenia and frailty by validated tools is required. A multimodal intervention, which includes adequate nutrition, exercise training, and good glycemic control, may help delay or prevent the progression to disability and an individualized intervention approach based on patients’ functional level is recommended.

Palabras clave: Older people frailty sarcopenia diabetes mellitus management.

2017-06-08   |   260 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 3 Núm.1. Enero-Junio 2017 Pags. 20-25 J Lat Am Geriatric Med 2017; 3(1)