
Macroprolactinemia is defined as the presence of prolactin with a molecular weight greater than 150 kDa. It can be confused with idiopathic hyperprolactinemia or with a prolactinoma. It is considered a benign variant and does not require medical treatment or follow-up. The objective of this article is to describe a series of patients with macroprolactinemia as a cause of hyperprolactinemia. Among fourteen cases, macroprolactinemia was found in eight (57.1%) and the majority (87.5%) presented with symptoms. Macroprolactinemia was frequent in this series of cases. The assessment of macroprolactinemia is useful in cases with apparently idiopathic hyperprolactinemia.

Palabras clave: Macroprolactinemia hyperprolactinemia prolactinoma.

2017-07-24   |   380 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 4 Núm.2. Abril-Junio 2017 Pags. 84-88 Rev Mex Endocrinol Metabol Nut 2017; 4(2)