
One of the challenges of demographic aging is the high prevalence of decreased mobility that occurs in old age and the neg- ative outcomes that occur. Although there are no specific statistics on the causes of death, seniors are known to occupy a moderate percentage of road-related casualties in the Latin American region. While every year millions of older people in the world stop driving, most depend on this activity to maintain their autonomy and mobility. Healthy aging implies active car transfers, and the approach to driving, as an activity representative of functional abilities in old age is a significant advance for the culture of healthy aging. Geriatricians and gerontologists have been the most committed health professionals to collect enough data to develop recommendations and warnings for older drivers who require medical care for common illnesses. The objective of this article is to present a detailed and exhaustive description of this scientific evidence, the global and regional driving situation and this strategy developed for the evaluation of the skills needed to promote the elderly population.

Palabras clave: Driving elderly comprehensive geriatric assessment.

2018-01-16   |   495 visitas   |   1 valoraciones

Vol. 3 Núm.2. Julio-Diciembre 2017 Pags. 57-66 J Lat Am Geriatric Med 2017; 3(2)