Autores: Terziyski Doychin I, Hadjinikolova Liliana D, Ivanova Angelina S, Kalchev Roumen K
The bottom sediments of earthen carp fishponds treated with mineral or organic fertilizers and areas ranging from 0.38 to 7.0 hectares were analyzed. The analyses included determination of basic chemical characteristics in the 0-0.15 m sediment layer like organic matter and organic nitrogen in percentages of dried substance, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen in dried substance too. The sediments of the fishpond fertilized with ammonium nitrate showed highest concentrations of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen. There was an increased level of organic matter in sediments of organically manured and of other fishponds with area of 2.4 and 7.0 hectares correspondingly. The control fishpond showed higher level of organic nitrogen than the others did. The degree of macrophyte coverage determined the content of organic matter and organic nitrogen while the kind of applied fertilizer influenced the concentrations of inorganic nitrogen forms in sediments.
Palabras clave: Fishponds bottom sediment organic and mineral fertilization.
2018-10-25 | 123 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 5 Núm.1. Abril 2014 Pags. 28-32 Ecologia Balkanica 2014; 5(Special Edition)