Cross-cultural adaptation of Dimensions of Corporate Safety Scorecard to the Brazilian Portuguese language

Autores: Magalhães Guimarães Liliana Andolpho, Massuda Junior João, Bornhausen Demarch Rodrigo, Niituma Ogata Alberto José, Faleiros de Oliveira Fernando, Almeida Pina-Oliveira Alfredo


Introduction: A broad-scoped approach to the assessment, documentation and application of health inputs at the workplace is needed to perform effective interventions, reduce occupational hazards and promote workers’ health and safety. Effective efforts might thus be organized into programs and initiatives to preserve and improve the health and safety of workers. Objective: To perform the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Dimensions of Corporate Safety Scorecard for use in Brazil to broaden the scope of means to approach and measure the effectiveness of workplace safety actions. Methods: The translation and cultural adaptation of the Dimensions of Corporate Safety Scorecard followed recommendations applied in similar studies which establish six steps: foreword translation, reconciliation, back translation, review by internal committee, cultural evaluation of the translation by an external expert panel (pretest) and final review. Results: Adoption of the described procedure enabled a detailed analysis of possible options in case of divergences in statements between versions. Thus the quality of the results was ensured and the semantic qualities of the original version were preserved in the translation. Conclusions: The Brazilian Portuguese version of Dimensions of Corporate Safety Scorecard, entitled “Questionário sobre Dimensões da Segurança Corporativa,” obtained in the present study represents the first step in the use of this instrument for measurement of the effectiveness of health, safety and well-being actions in different work environments.

Palabras clave: Translation occupational health working conditions safety surveys and questionnaires.

2018-10-26   |   456 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 16 Núm.2. Julio 2018 Pags. 204-217 Revista Bras. Med. Trab. 2018; 16(2)