Public health teaching in Mexico

Autor: Lozano Rafael


In the training of the new generations, it is possible to observe increasingly less interest in humanistic content, coupled with a significant neglect of history and ethics. Conversely, there is a legitimate, growing interest in mastering one or more instrumental techniques. The goal of obtaining certain professional skills that will enable young graduates to entertain hopes of joining the labor market overshadows the aim of acquiring other cross-cutting skills that will help them not only understand the niche of the discipline they have studied, but also contribute to its necessary transformation.

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2018-11-09   |   494 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 41 Núm.5. Septiembre-Octubre 2018 Pags. 203-205 Salud Ment 2018; 41(5)