Factors associated with selfmedication in adolescents in the rural area of Cartagena, Colombia

Autores: Bohórquez Moreno Cristina , Del Toro Rubio Moraima, Díaz Pérez Anderson , Barrios Puerta Zorayda


Objective: to determine the factors that influence on self-medication in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) adolescents in rural area. Materials and methods: analytical,cross-sectional study, which 383 adolescents between 10 and 18 years old, who lives in two towns of Cartagena, participated. An instrument designed for this study and validated by an expert was applied and integrated by a sociodemographic component, as well as a self-medication and related factors instrument. Results: participants were mostly males (58.2%), between 12 and 17 years old (14.9% and 16.2%), high school students (55.1%). This practice is associated with influence of a relative or a friend (OR 95% CI (6,686 (3,960-11,288)), female sex (OR 95% CI (2,636 (1,516- 4,586) and the acquisition of medications without a medical formula (OR 95% CI (10,491 (4,849 22,698)). Conclusions: self-medication is a common practice among adolescents in the rural area of Cartagena, and is given by cultural factors, such as the family influences and the flexibility of acquiring medications without a medical formula.

Palabras clave: self-medication adolescent health drugs public health

2020-08-21   |   310 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 20 Núm.2. Julio-Diciembre 2020 Pags. 356-363 Arch Med Manizales 2020; 20(2)