¿La cognición predice las percepciones de los adultos mayores sobre el autoestigma de buscar ayuda?

Autor: Giannouli Vaitsa


Dear Editor,

Although the validation of widely used scales measuring psychological constructs in various cultural and linguistic settings is important, such as the Self Stigma of Seeking Help (SSOSH) scale administered in the university students of the Colombian health sector, we still know little about the responses of populations, other than the adult population of students which create problems of generalizability in psychological research designs. More specifically,we ignore the older adults’ population. Therefore, the aim of this study is to bring attention to a question regarding the influence of basic demographics such as age, gender, education and general cognition on the self-stigma associated with seeking professional help in older adults.

For this reason, the Greek version of SSOSH was used (see Table 1), this time administered exclusively to older adults aged 65 and over (n = 148 older adults from Northern Greece; 87 women and 61 men; mean age, 74.18±4.87 years; mean education, 9.62±3.64 years) who participated voluntarily. Along with the SSOSH (the internal consistency of the SSOSH was _=.69), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was also administered in order to measure general cognition (mean, 27.91±1.68), as well as the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale whith a cut-off 6/7 point applied for diagnosing depression6 (mean, 1.54±1.58; minimum GDS score, 0; maximum GDS score, 5). The community dwelling participants in this sample were all native Greek speakers and did not have at the time of the examination a formal diagnosis of psychiatric disease (e.g. clinical depression, neurocognitive disorders, etc.). The participants were blind regarding the results of their neuropsychological examination.

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2023-07-10   |   186 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 52 Núm.2. Abril-Junio 2023 Pags. 85-86 Rev Col Psiqui 2023; 52(2)