Autor: Bradley Edward L
As Sir berkeley Moynihan wrote in 1925, “Acute pancreatitis is the most terrible of all the calamities that occur in connection with the abdominal viscera. The suddenness of its onset, the ilimitable agony which accompanies it, and the mortality attendant upon it, all render it the most formidable of catastrophes.” HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES It is now over 100 years since Reginald Fitz delivered his classic paper to the New York Phatologic Society in 1889, “Acute Pancreatitis: A Consideration of Pancreatic Hemorrhage, Hemorrhagic, Suppurative and Gangrenous Pancreatitis, and of Disseminated Fat Necrosis”. In this paper, he provided the first systemic analysis of the disease, and stressed the importance of clinicopathologic correlation. At that time, the clinical diagnosis of acute pancreatitis was necessarily restricted to the more sever cases, and survival was rare. In this climate of hopelessness, surgeon such as Senn, Woolsey, Mayo-Robson, and advocated a direct surgical approach to acute pancreatitis in desperate attempts to avert mortality.
2004-08-02 | 1,573 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 16 Núm.1. Enero-Diciembre 2000 Pags. 29-38 Med Hoy 2000; 16(1)