How to write a scientific paper

Autor: Del Brutto Oscar H


Many physicians consider a scientific paper an unfortunately necessary conclusion to a reserach project, and some believe that all that matters is the data and not the writingg style. In contrast, some investigators focus all their attention to the number of publications irrespective of the importance or their findings. While science and not writing must be our primary goal, we should remember that our work has to be pusblished if we want it to be readed and analized by others.

Palabras clave: Scientific paper

2002-12-19   |   880 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 4 Núm.2. Abril-Junio 1999 Pags. 101-103 Arch Neurocien Mex 1999; 4(2)