History: computerized axial tomography

Autor: Hernández Alfredo


An invaluable tool in the diagnosis and assessment of tumors over the past three decades has been the technique of computerized axial tomography, usually abbreviated to CAT or CT scanning. A pioneer in its development was Allan Macleod Cormack (b 1924-1998), a South African-born physicist. He studied at the University of Capetown and worked on the medical applications of radioisotopes in Johannesburg before moving to the USA in 1956.He was appointed professor of physics at Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts in 1964.

Palabras clave: Computerized axial tomography history.

2005-07-28   |   808 visitas   |   1 valoraciones

Vol. 4 Núm.3. Septiembre 2001 Pags. 87-88 Rev Neurocir 2001; IV(3)