Autor: Gigot J.F.
Laparoscopic liver resection of liver tumors remains controversial, especially conceming liver malignancies. Indeed, the philosophy and end-points of management in liver cancer is completely different from those of minimal invasive surgery, focusing on radicality of resection and long-term disease-free survival. To evaluate the role of laparoscopic approach in the management of benign and malignant liver tumors, an European multicenteístudy was conducted, including 124 patients. The best indication remains minor or medium size, superficial lesions located in casily accessible area, mainly in the lateral and anterior hepatic segments.
2006-07-15 | 1,721 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 21 Núm.1. Enero-Diciembre 2005 Pags. 23 Med Hoy 2005; 21(1)