
The exercise of Paediatrics in the 21st century, will be characterized for the approach of the professional with the population who demands attention, that is tightening of the relation parents –patient- doctor, targeting to achieve major confidence, in the restoration of the damage to the health. On the one hand, the rights of the child have structured and spread globally, as indispensable premise, to reaffirm the need to provide him special care and assistance, with responsibility of the family, for his protection and respect to the values of his community. In this context, there have been established the rights related to the subsistence, which understand feeding, housing and health, the related ones to development of aptitudes, as education, freedom of thought, religion and conscience. The right to the life, security of abuses, of negligent dealing, of exploitation, certainly, the right to the participate in the society with an active role in the community and in the political life.

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2006-08-30   |   1,417 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 7 Núm.2. Marzo-Agosto 2004 Pags. 31-32 Arch Invest Pediátr Méx 2004; 7(2)