Traumatismo craneoencefálico II

Autor: Ramírez Restrepo Luis Miguel


Craneo Encephalic Trauma (CET) is a very common event in a generally civilized society, especially in violent countries. Its causes are multiple, mainly due to traffic accidents and gunshot wounds. A prompt patient aid is vital in al CET; due to the fact that an epidurial hematoma, for example, “to fill” could take one or two hours. In relation to the CET caused in a traffic accident the time factor could be minutes, hours, or even days. The best treatment to prevent CET or any disease will always be prophylaxis. A good patient education for the community in general plays an important role to avoid any CET.

Palabras clave: Traumatismo craneoencefálico

2007-04-03   |   1,535 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 2 Núm.5. Diciembre 2002 Pags. 25-30 Arch Med Manizales 2002; 2(5)