Depresión y factores de riesgo en pacientes coronarios internados en el Hospital de Caldas, año 2001

Autores: Aristizábal Vargas Otoniel, Troncoso Ismael Sheila Alejandra


This study pretends to find the correlation degree between coronary disease and depression. Risk factors, affectivity, behavior, cognition and depression are the points checked here. The procedure applies the Beck’s Depression survey, psychological history, medical history and a personal interview. 39 women and 69 men were included in the study, of those, 52 were infarcted patients, 42 had chest angina, and 5 had a expanded cardiomiopatia. 64 patients showed some degree of depression prior to the coronary heart disease. The common risk factors in the patients were: obesity, mellitus diabetes, smoking, alcohol, and for the no depressives: hypertension, a sedentary life, cholesterol, and family inheritance. It can not be concluded that depression is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease; although it can be associated, as a concomitant or cooperative factor for the coronary event that in the future could be considered as an independent risk factor.

Palabras clave: Factores riesgo internados coronarios

2007-04-03   |   749 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 2 Núm.5. Diciembre 2002 Pags. 47-50 Arch Med Manizales 2002; 2(5)