Messanyi Gbeassor

The medicinal and aromatic plants: their present and future status 

Autor: Gbeassor Messanyi


The medicinal and aromatic plants constitute, even today, for approximately 80% of the population of the developing countries (especially in sub Sahara Africa) the sole recourse for their primary health cares. This situation is based on strong cultural behaviors and more and more on the economic possibilities of the population. In fact, almost, all the drugs sold in Drugstores, in this part of the world, are imported from western countries and their costs are far beyond the reach of the local peoples especially in the rural areas. For this reason the populations continue to use the medicinal plants which are available and free of charge, and for which they still have their ancestor's knowledge and know how. A part of this knowledge is a popular one, but the full information on the wide number of plants and the possibilities for their combinations are kept under traditional healers control in the communities which certify their effectiveness. We are calling for all those countries, a national policy on traditional medicine.

Palabras clave: Plantas aromáticas planta medicinales.

2007-08-03   |   1,242 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 5 Núm.4. Julio 2006 Pags. 71 BLACPMA 2006; 5(4)