Preventing infectious diseases in Santa Cruz, Bolivia: two years of successful management of medical waste through PROSALUD

Science at the frontlines: Essays on infectious disease research in developing countries 

Autor: Aramayo M José Luis


Santa Cruz is one of Bolivia’s fastest growing cities and its problems include population growth, poverty, deficient basic services, a lack of drinking water, limitations in the treatment of wastewater, inadequate management of solid waste, deficient housing conditions, malnutrition, and under-nourishment. Working with the non-profit organization PROSALUD, I have contributed to several improvements in solid waste management in order to decrease the transmission of intrahospital infections. PROSALUD ( is a civil, Bolivian, nonprofit organization that has conducted activities since 1985 within the framework of the Bolivian National Policy of Health. As part of the National System of Health, the organization’s aim is to extend access to and improve the quality of health care services. PROSALUD is a model of the benefits of integral, global, and continuous health care services through dispersed, multipurpose, and permanent units. Its basic strategy is that the primary focus of health care should be directed toward the part of the population with limited resources. In Santa Cruz, PROSALUD runs a network of 11 health centers, and one reference clinic, distributed between two municipalities (Table 1).

Palabras clave: Infectious diseases health care services.

2007-11-06   |   875 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 1 Núm.2. Octubre 2007 Pags. 93-95 J Infect Developing Countries 2007; 1(2)