The Novartis Vaccines Institute for Global Health: a new initiative for developing vaccines for neglected diseases in developing countries

Autores: Saul Allan, Rappuoli Rino


In July last year, at the time the first issue of the Journal of Infection in Developing Countries was going to press, a group of infectious disease experts met in Siena, Italy, to consider the direction of another important new initiative in the fight against infectious diseases in developing countries: the Novartis Vaccines Institute for Global Health (NVGH). The NVGH was created last year (2007) with the not-for-profit mission to develop effective and affordable vaccines for neglected infectious diseases in developing countries. It is a unique concept: an institute created by a large vaccine manufacturer to enable the knowledge and resources within the company to be used to make vaccines that are desperately needed in the developing world, but would not be profitable enough to attract the substantial investment required from commercial sources. To achieve its mission, NVGH will work closely with researchers in developed and developing countries, with public and private funding organizations, and with vaccine manufacturers, especially vaccine manufacturers in developing countries.

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2008-05-20   |   660 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 2 Núm.2. Abril 2008 Pags. 154-155. J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(2)