Autor: Bayardo Fernando
Going on nine years ago I was diagnosed with T-Cell Cutaneous Lymphoma, a condition for which there is no known cause or cure. The median life expectancy is 10 years for my particular kind of lymphoma. However, after all this time researchers are still to come up with a cure for my condition or for some other forms of blood cancer. I continue to work in a full-time private practice. I got the courage to ask you all for help while thinking about our children and grandchildren who deserve a better chance. Help me make a difference while we can by supporting my fundraising efforts in my campaign to win The Leukemia &Lymphoma Society’s “Man of the Year Award.” Every dollar counts as a vote. Whoever raises the most dollars by noon, Wednesday, May 29, 2002, wins the Award. My goal is to win by raising $50,000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which would fund a researcher for a year. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help me reach my goal. The Society brings in approximately 1.7 million dollars a year in grants to San Diego area researchers, but that has not been enough. The researchers are our means to change things for the better.
2008-06-26 | 1,178 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 4 Núm.1. Abril 2002 Pags. 56 Inv salud 2002; IV(1)