Mexican-native human echinococcosis:

Case report of an underestimated disease 

Autores: Steta Juan, Torre Delgadillo Aldo


Mexico is considered a virtually free region of cystic echinococcosis. Almost all case reports within the country involve immigrants or traveling patients. This manuscript presents a Mexican-native human echinococcosis that developed in the setting described below. Review of current evidence suggests that this infection has been underestimated.

Palabras clave: Echinococcus granulosus E. granulosus cystic echinococcosis hepatic cyst parasitic hepatic cyst Mexican echinococcosis.

2009-11-27   |   735 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 8 Núm.3. Julio-Septiembre 2009 Pags. 251-254 Ann Hepatol 2009; 8(3)