Plants of Semillas Sagradas:

An Ethnomedical Garden in Costa Rica 

Autor: Duke James A


Cubans should be pleased to learn of the downloadable version of «Plants of Semillas Sagradas: An Ethnomedicinal Garden in Costa Rica». It can be free downloaded on: [ ] [] 5.23 Mb. The authors, Costa Rican Botanist, Rafael Ocampo, BSc. and New York Botanical Garden Botanist, Michael Balick, PhD, long time friends of mine, have succeeded admirably in the goals of the book, “devoted to preserving the diversity of plants so important in traditional healing and the field of botanical medicine”. Another goal of theirs is to stimulate creation of similar medicinal plant gardens wherever traditional medicinal plants are endangered. In a time when fewer and fewer people can afford conventional medicine, it is important to have teaching gardens like this, to teach people the plants and their traditional uses. The older I get, the more I believe that, in many cases, traditional herbal approaches will prove better and safer and cheaper than their pharmaceutical alternatives.

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2009-12-10   |   911 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 14 Núm.3. Julio-Septiembre 2009 Pags. 61-62 Rev Cubana Plant Med 2009; 14(3)