Does Salmonella Typhi primarily reside in the liver of chronic typhoid carriers?

Autores: Nath Gopal, Singh Yogesh Kumar, Maurya Pushpa, Gulati Anil Kumar, Srivastava Ramit C, Tripathi Sunil Kumar


Chronic carriage of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi), usually in the gallbladder, is considered far more common than in any other site. The chronic typhoid carrier state may develop either as a sequel to typhoid fever or after subclinical infection with the bacterium. The incidence of subclinical typhoid infection has been predicted to be five times higher than that of acute cases, and about 10% of the apparently healthy population have been found to be chronic typhoid carriers based on Vi serology in endemic areas. There are several reports suggesting a definite association of carcinoma of the gallbladder (Ca GB) and chronic typhoid carriage. About one third of gallbladder cancer (Ca GB) cases have been reported to exhibit significant titers of antibody against the Vi antigen (ViAb) of S. Typhi, but the rate of S. Typhi culture isolation from gall bladder tissue, stone, and bile specimens from Ca GB patients has been found to be quite low, i.e. only 10%.

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2010-05-07   |   666 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 4 Núm.4. Abril 2010 Pags. 259-261. J Infect Developing Countries 2010; 4(4)