Multidrug-Resistant and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis in Kashmir, India

Autores: Singh Datta Bikram, Hassan Ghulam, Manzoor Ahmad, Qureshi Waseem, Ahmad Kamili Mustadiq, Singh Hardeep, Manzoor Kadri Syed, et al


Background: To study the profile of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) in tertiary care hospital setting, representing almost the whole affected population in Kashmir valley of India. Methodology: A total of 910 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were enrolled over four years. Among these, cases of MDR-TB and XDR-TB were meticulously studied for drug susceptibility, treatment, adverse effects profile and overall survival. Results: Fifty-two (5.7%) cases of MDR-TB were identified, among which eight (15.3%) were diagnosed as XDR-TB on the basis of drug susceptibility testing, using the prescribed definition. The cases were sensitive to 2, 3, 4, 5 and more than 5 drugs in almost equal proportions. Thirty-seven (71.1%) cases were successfully cured; eleven (21.1%) patients died; and only four (7.6%) cases defaulted, indicating overall satisfactory adherence to treatment. Conclusion: For effective treatment of MDR-TB and XDR-TB, early case detection, improved laboratory facilities, availability of appropriate treatment regimens, and financial assistance in resource-limited settings through effective political intervention are necessary for better patient adherence and overall cure.

Palabras clave: Tuberculosis multidrug-resistant tuberculosis extensively drug resistant tuberculosis drug susceptibility testing.

2010-05-07   |   686 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 4 Núm.1. Enero 2010 Pags. 19-23. J Infect Developing Countries 2010; 4(1)