Spontaneous HBsAg seroconversion after severe flare of chronic hepatitis B infection

Autores: Altinbas Akif, Yüksel Ilhami, Pamukcu Melih, Ekiz Fuat, Basar Ömer, Yüksel Osman


The results of the acute exacerbations of hepatitis B virus are varied from silent to severe acute hepatitis. HBsAg seroconversion induced by either antiviral drugs or occurred spontaneously, as a targeted end point of HBV infection management is infreaquent. The affect of the severe hepatitic flare on HBsAg seroconversion was reported before, however the predictive markers of HBsAg seroconversion are not clear yet. The reasons of the spontaneously HBV re-activations, or its usual results are not known well. We, herein reported a case, with the high serum HBV DNA titer during an acute spontaneously induced severe exacerbation of HBV infection which spontaneously resulted in total HBV recovery.

Palabras clave: actinomicosis simulando

2010-05-31   |   654 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 9 Núm.2. Abril-Junio 2010 Pags. 194-197 Ann Hepatol 2010; 9(2)