Transcription factors in the adult β-cell

Autores: Lazo de la Vega Monroy María Luisa, Fernández Mejía Cristina


Insulin secretion by the pancreatic β-cell is critical to maintain glucose homeostasis, and it is found impaired in type 1 diabetes by β-cell autoimmune destruction, in type 2 diabetes by β-cell inherent multifactorial failure, and in monogenic diabetes (MODY) by mutations in specific genes. During the last two decades, several β-cell-specific transcription factors regulating insulin synthesis and secretion have been identified. Knockout mice studies for these genes, as well as MODY phenotype reveal their importance for normal development and function of the β-cell. These factors participate in physiologically important signaling pathways of the β -cell, being regulated not only in their expression by other genes, but also in their activity by other proteins and by post-translational modifications. Their study will help to understand normal β-cell function, essential knowledge in the development of new therapies for diabetes.

Palabras clave: β-cell transcription factors insulin secretion diabetes mellitus.

2010-06-15   |   541 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 61 Núm.5. Septiembre-Octubre 2009 Pags. 428-446 Rev Invest Clin 2009; 61(5-ENGLISH)