
Small RNAs belong to a newly discovered strain of molecules. These molecules are composed of double stranded RNA comprised of approximately 19-31 nucleotides. They have two main characteristics that make them unique. Firstly, they are non-coding for proteins and secondly, they interfere posttranscriptionally with mRNA. This interfering action is their distinguishing hallmark, thus their name .interfering RNA. or RNAi. There are three main subclasses comprised by micro-RNA, siRNA, and RNAs associated to the Piwi protein (piRNAs). Interference RNAs participate in a myriad of cellular functions mainly through the modulation of genetic expression. Due to these capabilities, they have been used as a therapeutic weapon in a number of diseases including cancer. It is known that both miRNA and siRNA participate in carcinogenesis, either inhibiting suppressor genes, or stimulating oncogenes. It has been demonstrated that when manipulating small interfering RNAs in cell lines and animal models, malignant and metastatic phenotypes can be reversed. To date, only a few clinical trials using RNAi as a therapeutic agent have been successful and feasible. It is believed that in the near future, cancer treatment using small RNAs will be widely applicable, once the many constrains for its systemic application are surpassed.

Palabras clave: Interference RNA siRNA miRNA cancer.

2010-10-07   |   776 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 62 Núm.1. Enero-Febrero 2010 Pags. 81-90 Rev Invest Clin 2010; 62(1-ENGLISH)