La ergonomía en la salud ocupacional.

Campos alternativos de aplicación 

Autor: González Muñoz Elvia Luz


When we talk about occupational ergonomics, we immediately refer to think about the conditions of jobs in industry and in the offices. However there are other labour areas that although ergonomic risks not have been adequately serviced since are characterized by the piecework and which have musculoskeletal disorders which there isn’t a real statistics. The objective of this article is touching these areas to achieve health professionals to be interested in them.

Palabras clave: Ergonomía agricultura avicultura pesca forestal.

2011-06-02   |   1,655 visitas   |   1 valoraciones

Vol. 1 Núm.5. Febrero-Mayo 2010 Pags. 13-18 REMESAT 2010; 1(5)