Hepatology Highlights

Autor: Méndez Sánchez Nahum


Renal and circulatory effects of large volume plasma expansion in patients with hepatorenal syndrome type 1 Umgelter A, et al. Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) type 1 is a rapidly progressive but potentially reversible form of renal failure that occurs in patients with cirrhosis and ascites and is associated with high mortality. The present uncontrolled interventional pilot study examines the hemodynamic and renal effects of large volume plasma expansion in HRS 1. Studied 14 patients who had persistently elevated serum creatinine above 221 ìmol/L. He found that there were two complete responses after 48 h. At day 7, 2 patients had a partial and 4 a complete response. At day 12, 2 patients showed a partial response and 9 a complete response. Of the non-responders, three were anuric and had to be treated by continuous veno-venous hemofiltration over 5, 7 and 24 days. Regarding to plasma expansion, hemodynamics and renal function. Author found that responders (n = 9) vs. non-responders (n = 5) had a significantly higher initial ClCreat [15 (10-24) mL/min vs. 8 (2-11) mL/min) (p = 0.048), but there were no significant differences between the two groups for any other hemodynamic or laboratory parameter at baseline.

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2012-02-10   |   650 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 11 Núm.2. Marzo-Abril 2012 Pags. 163 Ann Hepatol 2012; 11(2)