Double trouble: a case of von Recklinghausen’s disease with coexistent lepromatous leprosy

Autores: Karthikeyan Kaliaperumal, Latchoumibady Kaliaperumal, Sowmya Srinivasan


Leprosy (or Hansen disease) is a tropical disease which affects the skin and nerves leading to deformities and disabilities. Von Recklinghausen’s disease (neurofibromatosis 1) is a well-recognized genetic disorder with both cutaneous and systemic manifestations. Lesions of neurofibromatosis may be mistaken for nodules of lepromatous leprosy and vice versa. Occurrence of both von Recklinghausen’s disease and lepromatous leprosy together is very rare. Since cutaneous nodules can also occur in neurofibromatosis, lepromatous leprosy can be easily missed. The presence of lepromatous leprosy in a patient with von Recklinghausen’s disease is unique and poses certain diagnostic dilemmas which are discussed in this report.

Palabras clave: Leprosy neurofibromatosis NF1 von Recklinghausen’s disease.

2012-03-16   |   601 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 6 Núm.3. Marzo 2012 Pags. 287-289 J Infect Developing Countries 2012; 6(3)