Quality and cost:

the USA experience 

Autor: Gonnella Joseph S


The practice of medicine is in crisis. I do not want to overplay it, but, by the same token, we must take the situation seriously. Much is expected of us as physicians and that is due in no small measure to our own sucess. When we cannot meet these expectations, we lose the confidence and trust of our patients. Because of economic pressures we may find it difficult to take the time necessary to stablish the trust and confidence that our patients must have in us.

Palabras clave: Medicine.

2002-11-25   |   680 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 5 Núm.4. Octubre-Diciembre 2000 Pags. 211-217 Arch Neurocien Mex 2000; 5(4)