Femoral artery pseudoaneurism

Autores: Torres Barrón Paola Gisela, Valdés Olmos Jhonatan Israel


Pseudoaneurysm or "False aneurysm" is a rare injury that may affect the wall of an artery or the heart wall. It occurs as a result of the effect of any injurious stimulus against this structure, leading to the leakage of blood into an external fibrous compartment containing the hematoma. Bleeding in a pseudoaneurysm is contained by the adventitia and/or surrounding fascia generating a very fine wall, and the hematoma thus formed is gradually surrounded by a layer of fibrous tissue, analogous to the normal adventitia artery; while the three layers of the vessel wall are preserved in the true aneurysm (tunica intima, media and adventitia), the diameter of these pseudoaneurysms increases with the passage of time due to blood pressure.

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2012-05-18   |   1,817 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 2 Núm.1. Enero-Abril 2012 Pags. 9-10 Ciencia UG 2012; 2(1)