School of nursing: 65 years in the formation of health- and life-care professionals

Autor: Vásquez Truissi Martha Lucía


With this special number by the Colombia Médica journal, we wish to participate in the commemoration of the 65 years since the creation of the School of Nursing at Universidad del Valle. This journal, official organism of scientific diffusion at the University, joins this celebration to manifest recognition and gratitude to the founders, directors of the School and to the faculty staff who with their tenacity, vision, and sense of pertinence have contributed to placing this Academic Unit at the highest levels. There have been many contributions during these six and a half decades, but perhaps, one that gives us the most satisfaction is that of having been able to contribute to the high-level formation of human talent in nursing, not only at the local level but regionally, nationally, and internationally. The graduates from the different undergraduate and graduate programs can attest, through their outstanding professional performance, of this contribution to society.

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2012-06-22   |   403 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 42 Núm.2. Abril-Julio 2011 Pags. 8. Colomb Med 2011; 42(supl 1)