Hemophiliacs with inhibitors:

How to manage them? 

Autor: Vallin Antunes Sandra


Introduction Inhibitors are antibodies that neutralize factor VIII or IX. It is considered as one of the most severe and important complication of hemophilia treatment. Although many clinical and laboratory efforts are being done on this field, still generates higher morbidity and mortality, due to the poor control of bleeding with standard treatment. The inhibitor incidence in hemophilia A is 20-30%, most of them occurring in severely affected patients, and in hemophilia B is 4%.

Palabras clave: Haemophilia antibodies inhibitors titer.

2012-07-30   |   473 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 43 Núm.6. Diciembre 2005 Pags. 143-145 Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2005; 43(Supl. 1)