Two cases of bacteremia due to an unusual pathogen, Comamonas testosterone in Iran and a review literature

Autores: Farshad Shohreh, Fatemeh Norouzi, Maneli Aminshahidi, Behzad Heidari, Abdolvahab Alborzi


Here we describe two cases of bacteremia caused by Comamonas testosterone in two malignant patients, a 10-year-old boy with brain medulloblastoma and a 19-year-old girl with osteosarcoma admitted in the same hospital at short intervals. This is the first report in Iran on this low inherent virulence organism as a human pathogen.

Palabras clave: Comamonas testosteroni bacteremia Iran case report.

2012-09-27   |   402 visitas   |   1 valoraciones

Vol. 6 Núm.6. Junio 2012 Pags. 521-525 J Infect Developing Countries 2012; 6(6)