Autores: Teschke Rolf, Frenzel Christian, Glass Xaver, Schulze Johannes, Eickhoff Axel
Herbal hepatotoxicity is a rare and poorly described disease because reported cases are mostly scattered and lack an appropriate causality assessment. We now describe in detail the clinical picture of herbal hepatotoxicity by extracts of Greater Celandine (GC), syn. Chelidonium majus L. from the Papaveraceae family, which contain more than 20 ingredients including various biologically active isoquinoline alkaloids. For this purpose, we analyzed and reviewed published cases of 16 patients from various European countries. In all patients, herbal hepatotoxicity was of probable and highly probable causality for GC, using the original and updated scale of CIOMS (Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences). GC associated hepatotoxicity usually has an acute clinical course exhibiting a hepatocellular pattern of injury and is correlated to an idiosyncratic reaction with its metabolic subtype. Jaundice combined with high values of serum aminotransferases was present in virtually all cases with favourable outcome despite severe clinical course. In conclusion, GC hepatotoxicity is a typical herbal hepatotoxicity with a sound causality track for GC, but there is uncertainty regarding the respective causative compound(s). The present detailed review of GC hepatotoxicity may serve as an example for clinical causality assessments of future cases of liver injury due to other herbs.
Palabras clave: Herbal medicine Chelidonium majus hepatotoxicity Chelidonium majus herbal hepatotoxicity herb induced liver injury correspondence.
2012-11-14 | 575 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 11 Núm.6. Noviembre-Diciembre 2012 Pags. 838-848 Ann Hepatol 2012; 11(6)