Dorsal root ganglionopathy in a hepatitis C patient:

a case report 

Autores: Basavaraju Navya, Ahmad Mirza, Slattery Eoin


We report an unusual clinical presentation of dorsal root ganglionopathy in a hepatitis C patient with negative cryoglobulins characterized by both motor and sensory symptoms. This mixed clinical picture in a hepatitis C patient is rare but should be considered a potential complication of HCV infection.

Palabras clave: Sensory neuropathy viraemia.

2012-11-15   |   523 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 11 Núm.6. Noviembre-Diciembre 2012 Pags. 958-960 Ann Hepatol 2012; 11(6)